Luc Huysman (°06.10.1962) was born in Louvain, Belgium. He obtained a bachelors degree in Fine Arts at the Provinciale Normaalschool Tienen and a Masters degree in painting at St-Lukas, Brussels. For some years he has been teaching Drawing and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Louvain. Since many years Luc lives in Heverlee (Louvain), where he has his artist studio. He makes prints, drawings, and paintings of landscapes and industrial areas. These topics are supposed to invoke a specific atmosphere and a specific experience. To this end, he strips his images of possible characteristics that are tied to a specific place, leaving the images empty so to speak. At the same time, paradoxically, he tries to describe the space that is (to some extent) still there. By means of benchmarks that define a place (e.g., architectural elements), he also tries to bring about a kind of historical perspective. In this way, he tries to invoke a collective recognition which sharply contrasts with the intimacy of a print, a drawing or a painting.